Fri Feb 9th 2007 7.00pm–10.00pm
Ovil Bianca “RaiDIO” from Gravity = Love CD ALBUM (
(K-RAA-K)3 2001)
Coti “sea level” from [metamoria\> (vibrant music 2001)
Bernard Szajner “Welcome (To Heathrow)” from So Young But So Cold (
Telefax “MouDJahidin Portative” from des courbes de choses invisibles CD ALBUM (
doradorovitch 2003)
Felix Kubin “Too Technical” from Matki Wandalki CD ALBUM (
a-musik 2004)
Gyorgy Ligeti “Glissandi” from Cologne WDR
Nobukazu Takemura “wizard in circus” from child & magic CD ALBUM (warner japan 2002)
Emak Bakia “Jane's Memory” from Jane CD ALBUM (
Acuarela 1999)
At Swim Two Birds “giggling fits” from returning to the scene of the crime... (
Green UFOs 2007)
The Durutti Column “Homage to Catalonia” from Vini Reilly (Factory)
Eric Random “Dow Chemical Co” from Subliminal 1980-1982 (
LTM 1982)
David Kristian + Ryosuke Aioke “my bones of iron” from ghost storeys (
Cocosolidciti 2006)
Pascal Comelade “Sequence 6” from Back to Schizo (1975-1983)
Tuxedomoon “In the name of talent (Italian Western II)” from Ten Years in One Night (live) (play-boy 1989)
Hazard “Flutter” from I.D.E.A.L. CD COMP (Le Disques Du Lieu Unique 2003)
Steven Brown “Audiences and Stages” from Decade ( 2002)
John Foxx “meranym” from cathedral oceans III CD ALBUM (fullfill 2005)
At Swim Two Birds “in bed with your best friend” from returning to the scene of the crime... (
Green UFOs 2007)
Francois De Roubaix “La Scoumoune” from Anthologie Vol. 1 CD ALBUM (Play-Time 1999)
Nine Horses “The Librarian” from snow borne sorrow (
samadhisound 2005)
Moondog “Lament 1 "Bird's Lament"” from The Viking Of Sixth Avenue CD COMP (Honest Jons 2006)
Jimi Tenor “my mind” from organism CD ALBUM (warp music)
Tuxedomoon “The Laboratory (parts 1 and 2)” from The Ghost Sonata (
LTM 1991)
Pelle Carlberg “Oh, No! Its happening again!” from Everything, Now!
The Village “childhood” from "the Village" (
Jay Jay Johanson “rocks in pockets” from the long term physical effects are not yet known
July Skies “countryside of 1939” from The English Cold CD ALBUM (
MakeMineMusic 2004)
Coti “Beben G.” from Lido/Lato CD ALBUM (
Poeta Negra 2004)
Mika Vainio “Yksinaisyys, suru, katkeruus [Loneliness, Sorrow, Bitterness” from Revitty CD ALBUM (
wavetrap 2007)